The Face of Grace: The Face of Infinity
Ahavah Article: June 16, 2021
Our Face
Our Grace
In our modern day conditional world:
We see an outer face.
We seek an outer Grace.
We wait.
We worry….or at least wonder.
We hope.
Such spins the plight of outside Grace.
Our outside-face, outside-Grace way of life has reached the outermost plank of its illusory bridge; the end of its proverbial rope. Herein lies real and true hope beyond hope.
Illusory bridges go…… nowhere. Chaotic systems go…… nowhere. Our stark duality, doleful disunion, incidental denial and masked-unmasked violence goes…… nowhere. Our sense of separation, our search for happiness and meaning in the temporary, ultimately goes….nowhere.
And, all the while…..Grace goes somewhere.
Real Grace goes somewhere by already being there. Unmoving, yet irreducibly alive, changeless Grace Is, now.
Real Grace, already here, already there, blazes the essence of life and love where all appears.
No matter what we see, what we hear, what we feel, the reality of the joy, peace and miraculous of Grace, Is. Grace, beyond an image face, beyond an outside place, boundlessly soars all free, seamlessly now.
We need not make a guessed-at search for Grace, like a frantic search for lost sedan keys, right before a fortuitous meeting. We need not turn our back on Grace, as if a persona-onits-own pretending to find grails and glimmers ever really fulfills or answers the pathos surge of longing for oneness.
Divine Grace —kindly illumining within— shines far, far beyond persons and multitudes in local addresses or global zip codes. Grace beams its fortuitous rays far beyond a series
of events and locations in a time zone world. Our finite faces, our finite beliefs, have no real power to define or limit us.
The Face of Grace means the ineffable gaze of the glory and light of Presence. Whether God Presence, Creator, the Light, Holy One, Brahma, whatever name we ascribe to the
Nameless we live as the inseparable gaze. Our Creator “created” us in Grace, not at a distance….not at any distance….”created” us Face to Face.
Face to Face with Holy Presence means Face to Face in infinity.
To remember, to re-know Grace is to remember, to re-know infinity.
We rest in the Face of Grace, the Presence of eternal Love: our true happiness. Our Face of Grace is the kind of in-side or with-in that spans the in-finite.
The Face of Grace: the Face of Infinity.
Our Face of Grace: the clear light of love now resonated in lovingkindness in our universe.
Our Face of Grace—being infinite love within—alights from within to the everywhere, as everywhere.
Our in-spirit Face, our spiritual Face, soft-blazes our countenance of the unconditional. We live and move in unconditional peace, unconditional joy, unconditional life.
Our unconditional and unconditioned Face of Grace, rings true. Without images, without mirages, without masks, our Face of compassion’s resplendence, ever Is.
We feel freedom from the conditioning around our body-world face. What would we hold onto, or grasp our fingers tightly upon, to dim the glory of unsurpassed Grace Presence?
Shall we rise above the cultural clamor for excessive attention to the finite face and it’s body-world, personality and little aims? We see the vital aspect of the face assigned by our culture. This spurs us to look deeper. Perhaps we ask:what is the real meaning of face? What is our face?
We see the societal highlighting of the face in our language: “face to face,” “face it,” “face your fears,” “look at that face,” “on it’s face,” “de-faced,” “a slap in the face,” “straight face,” “about face,” “save face,” “in your face, ” “face the music.”
We define face as the surface of a thing, the up-closeness, and that which stands present to view. We know the face as our point of recognition and connection.
If we define self as the finite ego self, then to cover the face, is to cover our connection. If our self is only the body-mind, then to cover the face is to lose our finite self concept. Covering dilutes our capacity for recognition and relation. Thus, shielding the face engenders distance, in a world already literally dying for more connection. Disconnection breeds discontent; discontent sparks more disconnection. Disconnection and discontent superficially “answered” with score settling, dampens the embers of hope into despair and disillusionment.
And, all the while, beyond our superficial face, with all its changes and affronts, it’s smiles and beamings, its beauties and scars, it’s stabilities and surprises ….we eternally have and ever are the divine light of our Face of Grace.
Our Face of Grace is here now to live in and as and to live from, in peace.
Our suffering arises not only from our unintended disconnections, on their face. Our suffering arises from our perceived sense of separation from our real spiritual Face, gazing out from and gazed within the Face of Grace.
Grace lives in our divinity.
Our divinity shines as one, without disconnection or distraction.
No need to try to return to the former faces of an old “normal.” Our core destabilization from our true nature need not be resur-faced in a house of cards “normal.”
Now is the moment to see, to stand in an about face, to look within in strength and behold: Our sterling luminous foundation as our Face of Grace.
No more need we be culturally tricked, societally tried, on the barnacles of misplaced trust.
Trust in….
What do we trust in?
In wonder and awe, in humility and peace, we find trust in divine Grace, unconditionally, infinitely gracing our heart of hearts.
Now is our golden instant to go beyond settling for only the superficial aspect of our faces. Now is our moment to move beyond believing appearances at face value. Now is our hour to move beyond identifyng as a face that some person, some agency, some establishment can make the decisions for and about.
Awake in the gaze of Grace, the Face of Grace, feel the forever wellsprings of present love, and changeless happiness.
In The Face of Grace we already are and already have the whole infinity of God Presence, the fulfillment of every fresh joy, amidst the eternal wellspring of abundance upon abundance to share.
Our highest abundance and treasure: Our shared Face of Grace.
May all know the Face of Grace and live in the happiness of true nature, now and beyond, in infinity’s oceans of endless freedom.
copyright 2021 Ann Marie Nielsen, PhD