Miraculous Stillness: Be Still and Know that I Am God,
A Wisdom Message from Psalm 46:10 for a Life of Freedom and Joy
Psalm 46:10 Be still and know that I Am God….
Be Still and Know That I Am God. This one verse, resplendent with deep wisdom principles, illumines rich direct experience of God Presence, palpably lived each instant. This one living phrase, if fully known and lived, reveals profound fulfillment and lasting spiritual realization.
Throughout the day, live in conscious awareness of: Be Still and Know that I Am God. In any moment of even the slightest unease or difficulty, pause and rest back as: Be Still and Know that I Am God. See Be Still and Know that I Am God, shine forth as an established pillar of wisdom and an infinity of vast soaring. This awareness unifies inner and outer as one seamless experience of: Still…Know…God.
Dwell with this verse and it’s deeper understandings and awareness. Open to feel the immediate peace, and to see the quick and powerful fruitage of abiding in this as a way of life.
Be Still….
Let the senses, faculties and whole being be still. Beyond the senses, open to feel the Original Stillness. The Original Stillness, one with God Presence is a life of its own. It is not depedent upon a person feeling still. There is a place within you, beyond you, that is completely, utterly, ineffably Still. Awaken as this Still God Presence, alive as ineffable flourishing, this now instant.
This Origin Stillness is one with and as God Presence. It is the heaven of paradise, beauty, harmony and undisturbable peace.
The Eternal Stillness is Presence. The Eternal Stillness is Serene Light. The Eternal Stillness is Infinity.
Be Still derives from the verb which means raphah. Raphah means to let go, release, cease striving, relax or sink down. It implies release of the thought focus on a personal me. It calls one to cease striving toward outer things, objects or persons in external pursuits of happiness.
Be Still, Be the Stillness, means to turn within, to the kingdom-reality of the finished Stillness. In the felt Presence of God Stillness, Love reveals itself, flourishing reveals itself.
Sink down, gently immerse as the joy-at-rest stillpoint of profound peace. Whatever appearance or interaction in life creates even the least sense of conflict fear, desire or want, pause, be Still.
Cease from attention to the story or situation. Rest back from the mind commentary with its repetitive themes. Open to feel any velocity of emotion, or static of feeling. Welcome the sensation home to Love, enfolded in peace.
Come home to Stillness. Rest beyond circumstances, as the Original Stillness.
Be Still. Rather than moving toward situations, zoom out to the higher awareness. As the Presence that observes, see from wisdom principle of Deific Love. See, observe as the Stillness. Reveal all as the Stillness.
Keenly notice—as Vast Intelligence, as Aware Presence (beyond a person) —what happens inside. Translucentize all reactions. The seeing of limiting patterns, marks the beginning of the end of them. As they are truly seen all the way through to non-power, to void stillpoint, they uncondition from experience forever. Yet, no resistance to what arises occurs and nothing needs to change. The observing as Stillness, evokes all as harmony, peace, and fruition.
Instantly, the freedom of Miraculous Stillness….Is.
In utter Stillness, open to feel the secure faith of trust. Feel God Presence, trust the reality of God Presence. In this felt Presence, happening as you, living the life as you, life naturally blesses all.
Until this spontaneously lives as You, begin each day, quieted as this Stillness. Each hour, each moment, gently watch that you abide as and look out at life as this Stillness Presence.
Keenly detect the first instant or arising of even the most subtle non-stillness within. Notice for reactions to life, to a feeling of wanting or striving. Pause, rest back. Quietly evoke: The Stillness. Be: The Stillness.
Be authentic and openly, inwardly notice any nuance of lack of stillness. Sit still with these sensations, not moving out of them and not following the track of thoughts about them. Rest back as the Serene Light, the Consciousness Awareness, the eternal God Presence. Stay still, and watch all sensations merge in-as Awareness as Presence.
We find stillness honored in the hearts of many saints, sages, spiritual paths and religions. “Find a place of stillness within yourself” (The Gospel of Thomas). “Steady yourself in stillness” (Lao Tzu). Stablize, anchor, establish, in stillness. Beyond fleeting occurrence, rest in stillness as the natural and essential way of being.
“Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of the way.” (Dhammapada). The place of stillness existed in you, as you, before this life span. It ever Is.
In Psalm 46:10, the word still comes from the Hebrew word raphah. In poetic verses the noun form repahi-im was used as a synonym for “the place of the dead.” This biblical word means a complete and total release from thought, reaction, or belief surrounding a seemingly impossible or difficult interaction or situation. Dying to inner reactions—dying into rich abundant stillness- offers a joyful freedom from suffering. It opens a dying from surviving, to true thriving as the essence of Life.
Rather than sorrow, this means ecstatic peace. That which caused suffering now dies, empties down to void, washes away as if it did not ever arise.
In scriptural contexts, dying refers to a kenosis. Kenosis means the emptying of what causes fear or distress to the point of revealing causeless happiness. It refers to the supreme kenosis — the emptiness of a grasping or lacking personal sense of self identity. It opens the awake Presence of eternal joy. Raphah connotes a movement beyond personality-based or mental based effort. Empty-free, dwell as God awareness, in the joy of unmovable faith in the Supreme.
Know That I Am God
The knowing here moves far beyond concepts or thoughts. Contemplation of God offers an initial starting point. Contemplation moves toward the felt feeling, which then by Grace awakes as direct realization: I Am That.
Ceaselessly, joyfully abide as Awareness, in and as the Presence of God. Whatever name we know God as—Deific Love, Presence, The Supreme, Consciousness, Mother Father God, The Eternal Light, The Way—dwell as That, instant by instant. The answer to all suffering: Know God. The answer to all wisdom: Know God. The answer to unconditional Eternal Love: Know God.
God is known as the I Am. The I Am that I Am of God is translated from Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (Exodus 3:14). It is the Self-Existent I, the true I, that does not change. Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I Am that I Am, also means I Am, I was, I will be. It promises “I will be with you” and it declares, “I am without equal.”
The Supreme I is immortal Life, endless Love, the forever Light—The “I”. Be still, beyond the personal “me” to live as the Eternal I.
Many spiritual paths and religions understand God as the great I Am, as the Self Existent one. “I pervade the Universe. Know that I Am.” (Gita). “I Am God, there is no other.” (Isaiah 46:9). “Before he manifested Himself, he existed within Himself. He is known as the One who alone exists.” (Taittirya Upanishad).
There are not two I Ams, but the one I Am.
Know Self as one with the eternal I Am.
Know means: intimately know, directly know-feel-be.
Know with certainty. The I Am is certain. The I am this or that is not certain. Leave off the this or that and awake as the I Am Presence. This knowing means the ecstatic remembrance, the intimate knowing of oneness with God, from Origin. In the timeless instant of Origin, the Supreme emanted-created you as one with Itself. Still this Stillness…..
This Origin Stillness is unconditional happiness, wonderment, peace, vast limitlessness, immortal goodness. Deeply know, intimately know God Presence. Be still from I am this or I am that. Be still and rejoice as the Origin I Am.
Observe the harmony, peace and limitless way, as the point of identity rises to I Am one with God Presence. Rise beyond a personality focused and weighted on itself, to serenely soar as Deific Love. Know the vast Consciousness aware of, knowing Itself.
All limits and conditions come from a personal sense of self, focused on its conditioning. All borderless, limitless life arises in knowing self as God Presence. Presence intimately knows Itself in holiness joy, in kind freedom.
Know That I Am God. Now rest from all care or concern. Leave all to the great I Am, the Source of all Life and faithful fulfillment. Feel the I Am Presence live Itself as You.
The I Am Presence, alone Is. Unify as That. Yet, rather than excluding or judging the separate sense of self, hold a soft inclusive warmth. Embrace the suffering self, the body-mind persona. Be still and merge the life-span self, the species self, into the eternal Stillness.
See the separate sense of self, the little self, as a calcified, limited, salt doll. See the I Am God as the ocean of God Presence. Welcome the salt doll in the ocean of God Presence—keeping it still, still, still…..as it washes into the ocean of God. Rest back from the tempation to resist, or to rebuild the limitation thoughts of the calcified doll. Let it gently wash into the vast ocean of Deific Love.
Rather than rejecting or judging the personality self, look out as Vast Presence, see the essence of all things as this Presence.
Know that I Am God, happens afresh each instant. The sense of separation dissolves into the ocean of Eternal Love. It dissolves as if it did not appear.
“That which is unreal never exists. That which is real has not ever ceased to exist.” (Gita).
As this Awareness, watch the body-mind persona walk the sands of earth—now walking-floating as the whole of the ocean of Life. It looks like a calficied solid character. Yet, that character self shows forth harmony, grace, peace and the infinite goodness of heaven’s way.
No matter what happens in each moment of experience or life, abide as Be Still and Know that I Am God. See this offer a principled stability point, a secure pillar, a safe harbor, an actualization of miraculous Grace.
Rest again and again in this wisdom principle, until it awakes as you and lives you, as a way of being, a way of life.
Be still
I Am God Presence
As You
Be Still and Know That I Am God