We all wish to be happy.
Most of us relate happiness with being loved.
We feel unhappy if we feel unloved. If we do not have what we need or wish for,we may feel secretly or openly unloved.
Yet, spiritual Love, far beyond something given or received, is our divine essence or nature.
Love our Reality.
We cannot be separated from the Reality of Love.
It may feel so, when someone we love leaves us, either physically, emotionally, or energetically.
We hear the expression: “Love heals all things.” In other words, we understand life has losses and we perceive that love heals those losses.
We grow up conditioned to have loss. As children we saw people around us experience loss. We may have even felt the emotions of grief of those around us, or our own grief at childhood and early life loss.
Growing up, we may have absorbed the emotions of those around us—grief and grievances.
If fortunate, we also saw and felt expressions of love. We may have learned or experienced love as a thing that heals other things, that heals hurts.
Thus, we learned that an inner “me” is separate from an outer “other,” and thus when that relationship falters or ends, we need healing. The outer “other” may be a person, a circumstance, a trial, a misfortune. Most often, we experience hurt or loss in relationship distance, breakdown, or superficiality. Our culture lends toward taking others for granted, making relationships more mechanical and habitual, and thus more hollow.
We have a belief that human love heals. If a “me” loves an “other” or an “other” loves a “me” then something heals.
Yet, what happens if that love changes. Or that relationship changes? How can we as a being, as a family, as a community, as a humankind family heal when relationships prove mercurial and changing?
Nothing will truly heal other than that which is changeless, unconditional and everlasting. And, that which is changeless, unconditional and everlasting does not need to heal. What heals can once more turn unhealed. What changes can once more change again. Happiness lies within love beyond fallible love or unreliable love.
Rather than healing, Love presents a revealing.
Our spirit nature, ever one with infinite Love, reveals changeless Love, as the essence of our being.
Two beings attempting human-based love, conditioned love, often based on attachments or expectatons, changes. It changes based on the needs of each changing person, proving unreliable.
When we see and accept that human based love, ego based love, has conditions, we see from awareness. In awareness, we open to know unconditional love, spiritual love, celestial Love.
Apart from knowing origin Love, Presence Love, though we may wish to love unconditionally, love proves limited. From even the slightest perspective of separation from God, from Eternal Love, from each other, love will end up as conditional.
The way of the Reality of Love arises from authentically seeing the limitations of egoic based or human-of-itself based affection.
See relationships as relating. Simply see the nature of the relating. See how unconditional love does not really happen from the thoughts, judgments, and worries of the mind and thoughts. See the subtle conditions of love that we place upon each other.
Notice how the love feeling or affection feeling fluctuates within you or another. Simply see.
This spurs a devotion or dedication to know and be divine Love, celestial Love.
Our divine nature is the Reality of Deific Love.
In each instant of Deific Love we have and are the timeless real of endless Love.
In each awareness of Deific Love, we have and are the infinity of God Presence, as boundless Love.
Beyond a person feeling Deific Love, which really cannot truly happen, open to feel self directly as Deific Love.
This happens not through a person or personality or personal self, this “happens” or Is, in the absence of identifying as a personal self.
Being Deific Love, the Reality, as identity, changeless love shines through or as the person or personality.
Love does not originate from a person in a sense of separation. The Reality of Love ever Is, beyond person or persons.
Know right here now, the Reality of Love. Deific Divine Love is the happiness, completion, fulfillment, safety and allness of your being and life.
In awareness as celestial Love, you will see a beauty of relating, a joyful miraculous meeting of the need of the other.
In the Reality of Love, the sense of separation from God and from others washes away like gentle ocean waves enfold and disappear in the light of the ocean.
In looking at another, the happiness of Love, shines through far beyond the form or persona. We feel the essence of another, where we live as one heart, one life, one compassion.
Still home, as the Reality of Love.
Happiness Is.
Love and Blessings,
Dr. Ann Marie, Ahavah
copyright 2019 Ann Marie Nielsen, PhD