Deific Innocence
The Exalted Heart Aware of the Exalted Heart
Remembrance dawns
of Eden’s earlier-forever
palace of the Exalted Heart
The Exalted Heart
sees the Exalted Heart everywhere
the sheen of the Earlier Eden,
the Grace of the Holy One
Alive as the Exalted Heart,
the Original Opulence Heart,
Original Innocence lives as You
This Innocence is the Light of all things
and the formless Presence upon which,
all things freely form
Innocence needs no form,
Innocence does not try to create form,
Innocence does not seek form
Innocence beholds the already present fulfillment
The Exalted Heart of Primordial Innocence
as the completion of Original Opulence,
it spontaneously sparks exaltation
in everything in-as its Awareness
The Eternal Love
Aware of the Eternal love
The Exalted Heart
Aware of the Exalted Heart
The Light of Vast Knowing
Aware of the Light of Vast Knowing