September 20, 2020
Faith-Love: The Vision of Trust
Quote from Diamonds of the Holy Heart
(Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen) and Commentary Reflection
Quote, pg 144, Kind Faith:
“The harvest of the Heart
Which is Love
Which is the harvest of everthing
Faith-Love is not blind
It is the Vision of Trust”
Looking to the material world
is finite
Looking “outside” is finite
Knowing Love “within” is Infinite—
When “within” is known as the Self
that is the One Self…
Being One with the Holy One
One with and as
The Infinity Self
Love Presence
Spirit Love
Inherently is Faith
It is Kind Faith
It is Sublime Faith
It is Certain Faith
Love is Certain
In Being Love-Faith
Infinity Is
The harvest of Infinite Love
Is known
Ever shining
The harvest of Light….
The Light of the world
That illumines Kind Faith
in and as all beings
In the Already Risen
Infinite Grace
Awake as All
The Vision of Trust
Trust the Infinite
Trust the Holy Irreducible Love
Trust the divine Love
That does not die
And cannot be lost
The Vision of Trust
(c) 2020 Dr.Ann Marie Nielsen