The First Noel.
Even the sounding of the phrase, and the gently alive feeling of The First Noel, evokes pristine joy.
It softens the moment, like a forever ago remembrance. It alights every instant-point of the here and now.
Noel presents as a sacred indwelling of wonder, a warm abode of assured grace.
The First Noel.
The Pristine Blessing of The First Noel.
The First Noel speaks of the navidad of holiness, the timeless innocence.
It resounds the kind, perfect flourish of immaculate creation, while bridging the seeming watershed between heavens way and earth’s reflection.
Like a swan of truth, we glide upon the azure lake of the waters of The First Noel. We land on the solid ground of the holy-day celebration of our first birth-being. We remember The First Noel; we know the inner prance of undefeated and endless rejoicement.
The First Noel.
Live the Pristine Blessing now.
That eternally indelible remembrance goes back farther than the end or this year or decade; and farher than millenia, multiplicity, mind, imagination or thought.
In the First, of The First Noel, we know our beginningless beginning, of the timeless happiness-holiness.
We rest deep and true, in the warmly unstoppable remembrance of first infinity, nascent innocence, immaculate beauty of creation.
First means birth, or beginning.
First, in existential context, does not refer to numerical order, such as first, or second or third. First defines itself as the first of it’s kind, one of its kind, or preeminence of its one kind.
Spiritually, existentially, first means one, only, or itself alone. In ancient scripture, the word Echad, means one, or of itself alone. Echad Noel. The One Noel.
The First Noel. The One Noel.
Live the Pristine Blessing of The First Noel.
The book of Genesis begins: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” A more refined translation may read: In beginning, rather than, in the beginning. In beginning, in first, in spirit of itself, in God Presence alone…in first creation.
The First Noel. The One Noel. The First Creation.
The One, only kind of Creation.
The word beginning, bereshit, originates from reshith or rosh. Rosh means beginning, finest, or foremost. The First of The First Noel signifies that which is first, foremost of its one way or kind, with no second or other kind.
The First beginning reveals the beauty and completion of the way of heaven — simultaneous with earth as heaven’s reflection.
Know The First creation as heaven’s way of resplendent love, completion and beauty. The First creation as heaven-earth, has no separate second creation of suffering, limitation or pain.
In now living The First Noel, we uncreate the belief, concept and feeling of second, third, fourth, fifth and millionth other conceptual “noels.” We remember, return, come alive in knowing the Home of The First Noel.
The First Noel.
Live the Pristine Blessing of The First Noel.
Rejoice as the spirited awareness, the consciousness of The First Noel.
We see beginning or first, in the scriptural book of John. “In the beginning was the word.” (John 1:1). The word, arche, translates as beginning, foremost, preeminent. Arche stems from archegos which relates to originator, founder, author.
In the beginning was the word, the logos. Logos does not mean “a single word”. Rather it reveals a whole speech or language embodying a complete message. Logos stems from lego, which does not mean the naming of a word or an object. Lego refers to an utterance, continuous discourse or decree.
The First Noel.
The First Noel: Continuous.
Live the Continuous Blessing, the Pristine Continuity, of The First Noel.
Hear the divine speech, the continuous endless discourse, the resound of the love and happiness of First Presence.
Listen, hear, and awake as the One Noel, one with the One Eternal Creator.
Hear The First Noel.
Noel arises from the Latin verb, nasci. Nasci means “to be born.”
Noel bears semblance to: Nolad El’ which means—God (is) born.
Know El.
El, the name for good, has a root meaning of “power.” The one power is born, or rather the One Presence Is, and no second power is created beyond or above it.
The Noel power is not a power over anyone or anything. It is not a power that changes from good to evil or evil to good.
Nolad El, the one power is born, and there are not two dualistic powers born thereafter.
The one power, is no power needed. The First Noel, Is. Grace Is. Love Is. Eternal Life, Is.
Live the Pristine Blessing of the First Noel.
No matter what seems to change in the scenes of time, live the timeless, continuous blessing.
Live the continuous Blessing of the First Noel.
In the midst of the changing scenes of the Christmas, Hanukkah or holiday season, rejoice in the supreme gift. Know the serene happiness of being the beginningless Presence of all joy, and glory-peace.
Whether surrounded by loved ones in festivities, or with oneself in quiet solitude, know the complete sacred inner flourish of holy-day happiness.
Open the gifts, open the gifts.
Beyond giving gifts or receiving gifts, open the gift and be the gift.
Open all of the unseen gifts, unspoken gifts, silent gifts, secret gifts.
Open the already present gift of The First Noel. Be that gift…being The First Noel.
Open the gift of remembrance of spirit realization.
Open the gift of the ocean of unconditional love.
Open the gift of being created as an infinite jewel of beauty.
Open the gift of the warm nurture spirit of serene gratitude.
Open the gift of timeless peace, ever here as the instantaneous silence.
Open the gift of consciousness aware of itself.
Open the gift of First Noel Presence knowing Itself as You.
Still the First Noel.
Blessed beyond blessed.