Additional information
Class Type | Grace Relax Course Program, Grace Relax Course Program With Private Time |
$425.00 – $825.00
We Welcome you to Join Our National and Global Class
An Attend-at-Home, or Attend-from-Anywhere
Live Experiential Class Program
June 30th, July 1st, 5th, 6th, 2021
* Live Classes with Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen, Ahavah
* Direct experiential guided contemplations
* Wisdom teachings in the light of Compassion
* Release apparent “blocks” to living Grace relax
* Release habits of stress and underlying fears
* Know Grace “happening” within
* Experience Grace as liberation
* Serve the awareness of Grace and peace in our world
* Experience inner spiritual freedom
* Awareness in Grace as infinite freedom
* Virtual Format from the comfort of your home or nature
* The class group is upheld in prayer
* Class attendees receive wisdom principles and spontaneous passages
* Private Forum to send prayer requests throughout the course
The Grace Relax Course Program unifies the both the Inspirational and Spiritual Realization
Class Teachings and Experientials.
You may click here to read the full article: Grace Relax: The Liberation of Freedom Within
Excerpts from The Grace Relax Article
by Ann Marie Nielsen, PhD
Grace: our liberation, our answer, our happiness.
Relax in Grace, the way a swimmer relaxes in the welcoming, boundless sea.
We may say the word Grace, with the mind. In a similar way, we may say the word swim, with
the mind.
Merely saying the word swim, without swimming, limits or negates the experience of being a
swimmer. However, swimming in the ocean of azure blue buoyant waters, riding white capped
waves and warmly unifying with a dolphin swirling near, presents an immersion in the swim.
As a swimmer relaxes, swims, floats in the welcoming, boundless sea, the swimmer unifies in the
sea. The swimmer rests in the oceanic expanse, at ease in the harmony of the sea. Rather than the
ocean appearing in the swimmer, the swimmer seems to rise and fall upon the sea, come and go
within the sea.
Merely saying the word Grace, or thinking the word Grace, without knowing the serene
receptivity to Grace, seemingly limit or negate the immersion-like Grace relax.
In Grace accepted, Grace liberation relax, Grace loved and lived in —our life springs alive as an
immersion in Grace. We awake as Grace liberation relax.
Relax, from the Middle English relaxer, the Latin relaxare, means to relax, loosen, or open.
Relax drives from re, which means back, and lexare or laxus, which means loose or free.
Thus, we see and feel relax as meaning back free, or returning to freedom.
Grace liberation relax: back free.
Grace relax.
You may wish to rest in the Grace Relax contemplation when stress arises to: ease repetitive
thoughts, quiet the mind, release emotions, relax the body, and calm the nervous system. The
contemplative practice may engender calm responses, kind communication, creative innovation,
and strengthened immune system.
Contemplation on and in Grace, opens the way for spiritual realization. It is in and by Grace that
the separate sense of self, that underlies all stress, washes away into the knowing of eternal and
changeless Love.
We are already created in Presence Love and Grace, the whole infinity of Consciousness,
limitless and free. Living in Grace, opens the way of simple and miraculous natural fulfillment,
ease of suffering, and knowing inner happiness.
Grace liberation relax.
Grace Is.
Ahavah Course Program
Schedule of Classes
Via Virtual Attend-From-Home
(You will receive Call in Links and Codes
a few days prior to the start of our Class Program)
Wednesday June 30th, 2021
Live Class One: 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Thursday July 1, 2021
Live Class Two: 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Monday July 5, 2021
Live Class Three: 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
And Live Q& A at the beginning of Class
Tuesday July 6, 2021
Live Class Four: 8:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Press the button below to Register and Join Us in the Grace Relax Course Program
Class Type | Grace Relax Course Program, Grace Relax Course Program With Private Time |