The Joy of the One Same
Our true nature
Is eternal
Our true nature
Is Presence
Our true nature
Is glory
Our true nature
Is oneness
Our true nature
Is endless trust-at-rest
Our true nature
Is illumined joy
Our true nature
Is the One Same
The One Same is here
The One Same is now
The One Same Is
Beyond name and form
Yet, present,
Presence, where name
and form appear
The One Same Is
Rest back from the senses
Rest back from perceptions
Rest back from divisions
Rest back from conflicts
Rest back from need
Rest back from want
Rest back from thought
Rest back from waiting
The One Same
Here now
The One Presence
Here now
The One Love
Here now
The One Consciousness
Here now
Already complete
Already fulfilled
Already the holy joy
Joy Presence
The One Same
Here now
The universe of glory
copyright 2018 Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen