Live the Heart of God
in Our Father, Our King, Our Compassion
Father’s Day Bible Verses Revealing the Unifying Heart of All Religions
Our Father, Our King, Our Compassion.
A prayer, a contemplation, a way of life.
Our Father, Our King, our Compassion: true being lived now.
Our Father, Our King, Our Compassion….our happiness.
Our Father.
In the gentle core of religions, in the inner prayer of saints, sages, and spirit-aware beings, we see the shining, vast heart of Father Spirit.
Through all of our aeons, years, hours and moments, we see the happiness, fullness and wonder of omnipresent, timeless Father.
Whether Father is known as the paternal Presence, the infinite Principle, the omnipotent Creator, the Life, our Life, we understand….Father.
When Father becomes, Our Father…..and when Our Father becomes the awareness: I am That…then, we know certain glory and everlasting kindness. Then the flight to external father, or the pilgrimage to father, or the thinking of father, washes into the ocean of: I am the Heart of God.
Rather than that which we pray to, or seek, Our Father, the infinite Life Principle, the Light of Creation, is that which we exist as One with.
We exist as so fully one with Our Father, our King, that the kingdom of God is within us. Not only is it within us—it is us—we are It.
Our Father, Our King: we live as the kingdom of eternal life, ecstatic wonder, supreme beauty of Love.
The way of this dawns in the soft embrace and piercing clear Light of Our Compassion.
Spirit Compassion means the seeing through of the sensory realm of fear, separation and lack. Our Compassion, means the egoic sense of doubt, judgment, and aloneness ever washes into serene peace.
Our Father, Our King, Our Compassion.
In God, alive as the life of God Presence.
Our Father. Our world longs for the true heart of the true eternal Father. The feeling of spirit Father, as supreme, all present goodness awakes our inherent happiness. It illumines foundations, stability and fruition in our hearts, homes, relationships, service and world.
Our Father unifies our universe in joyful prolific flourish.
Our Father, Our King, Our Compassion.
In the mystical heart of the western and eastern religions, we see the unifying foundation of Father. We also see Our Father as that which is the heart of the Kingdom of Eternal Life and the heart of Compassion.
One of our most famous prayers, called the Lords’ Prayer, or the Our Father, begins with Our Father, who art in heaven. Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come….
Thy kingdom has/is come. The kingdom of God is within and spread out upon the earth, in essence. “The kingdom is inside of you and it is outside of you” (Gospel of Thomas). “The kingdom of God is within you.” (Luke 17:21).
It is the Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom. (Luke 12:32)
Our Father has given us the kingdom, entrusted us with the kingdom. The true kingdom: the allness of God…the forever Love.
The well-loved sacred prayer-song of Judaism, Avinu Malkeinu, means Our Father, Our King.
Again and again in the Torah, God is referred to as Father—the Father of compassion, the Father King of power and of might, of goodness and grace.
“For you are our Father, you Lord are our Father”….(Isaiah 63:16).
In Psalm 103:13 we see father and compassion unified: “As a father has compassion on his children; so the Lord has compassion…”
The eternal Presence, the Father of Life, is known as Compassion, as Love, as that which sustains and protects. Our Father, as the Love of Heaven, creates/exists us as the Love of Heaven. The Our Father Presence is the Presence we exist as, the eternal Life that knows unconditional Love.
Jesus, Yeshua revealed: I and the Father are One (John 10:30). The messiah proclaimed: “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father” (John 14:9). He revealed oneness with the Father— in the absence of a separate me, you have seen the Father.
The king of the pathos, lived oneness with Compassion. He revealed not only the resurrection Life in the midst of crucifixion, he showed forth the majestic, kingly Compassion inherent in egoic death. He demonstrated life as a clear transparency for the infinite nature of God—Its way, truth and Life.
I am the way, the truth and the Life (John 14:6).
The bibilical passages perpetually and beautifully unify Father, King, Compassion.
Our Father, Our King, Our Compassion.
“Be compassionate as your Father in Heaven is compassionate” (Luke 6:36).
We see in the Bhagavad Gita: “I am the Father, the Mother, the Sustainer, the Grandfather, the Purifier, the One thing to be known.” The One thing to be known, the Sustainer, is in this ancient sutra, described as paternal, fatherly and grandfatherly.
Our Grandfather.
One with the One thing to be known, is One with that which is beyond gender, yet inclusive of the heart of the supreme Father and the kind, wisdom of Grandfather.
Our Father, our King, our Compassion.
We also read in the Bhagavad Gita: “I am the Father and Mother of all things….I see and support all things.” To see and to support is to move in the sweet peace of the nectar of Compassion.
In the biblical verse Exodus 34:6-7, The eternal Light passed in front of Moses, the meekest man in all the earth, and breathed the resounding sound of The Lord, the Lord, the Compassionate and Gracious God….”
Of all the resoundings of the inherent heart of Our Father, which could have been toned-named in that instant, the very first essence of Our Father, our King proclaimed was…Compassion.
Our Compassion: Our Oneness.
We live in a world that longs for true oneness. Oneness with the eternal Life, oneness with the depths of unfathomable peace, oneness as changeless Love, oneness as sweet happiness….
Our Father, our King, our Compassion.
We see Our Compassion in the way of the Tao. Lao Tzu, expounds the three teasures: “I have three treasures that I cherish, the first is compassion.” The translation for compassion, pinyin, literally means; compassion, mercy, tenderness, gentleness, benevolence, and is akin to parental love.
People turn their eyes and ears to him (the sage), and the sage cares for them like his own children. (Tao Te Ching, Chapter 49).
The heart of Our Father, is the heart of the Kingdom of peace and fulfillment. It reveals tangible protection, certainty and benevolence.
It illumines the answer to suffering, the alleviation of separation.
The heart describes the core, the essence, the sanctum, the Presence.
The kingdom reveals the finished completion of self as one with the eternal One, wherein there is nothing missing. Spirit Compassion reveals the allness of eternal Love, beyond judgment or withholding.
Siddhartha Gautama, awakened as Buddha (The Enlightened One), knew the heart of Compassion.
With gut-wrenching passion he set out to discover the way to end suffering. He realized the Eternal One, the Eternal Way, as the one certain Reality without duality, without multiplicity, without duplicity. The emptiness rendered him so utterly, totally, still…that he awoke as the stillness beyond.
He knew Our Father as that which is the undying One Eternal Life. He revealed the kingdom empty of ego, empty of suffering, empty of anything other than or different than the non-death Reality.
The emptiness response to suffering: mindful awareness of the Reality, free of desire, craving, and ignorance. Compassion beyond Compassion beyond Compassion until all suffering dissolves in bodhisattva devotion: the unwavering centerpointe ever pointing all sentient beings to the bliss, the end of suffering.
Our Father, Our King, our Compassion.
The Way, the Life.
Live as the heart of God, in the grace and the glory of the heart of Our Father, the heart of Our Kingdom, the heart of Our Compassion.
In Grace, Peace & Compassion,
Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen, Ahavah
Ahavah Ministries, Ahavah Music, Home in the Heart Foundation
Copyright 2019 Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen