Our Mother Real
From the Mother’s Day Message May 14, 2023
Mothers are beautiful.
Mothers are everywhere.
The beauty of mothering is everywhere.
The nature of mother love is simply loving…..and then more loving….and yet more loving still.
Sentient beings, at one time or another express the gentle nurturing, watchful care, and keen protection of aware mothering. When we see nurture abounding, our hearts kindle in a warm inner smile.
From where does this benevolent spirit of mothering, of nurturing arise?
Can we rest in in it as changeless, constant, and certain?
We see mothering, nurturing, and expressions of kindness. And in this world we seem to also see the opposite — appearances of neglect, discord, separation or fear. We see world unstable in love, with a common chaotic theme: a missing depth of trustworthy connection.
Where is the spirit of mothering, of soul nurturing, in the event we search for it aimless or amiss? Or seek to feel it, yet instead empathically feel existential heartache?
In the light of Divine Presence, the changeless Light of Consciousness, the sacred spirit of mothering ever lives. Our Eternal Mother Father, ever lives, and we are One in That Love.
Our Holy Mother is real, and trustworthy as our true self nature. Permanence and changelessness denotes realness.
In Mother Presence Real we have the fullness of Holy Love far beyond anything we have ever felt or dreamed.
Mother Presence Real, the full Glory of Love rhythms Love closer than each breath, more instant than heaven’s now.
The more we rest within our Holy Mother, the more we know all that is real: Primordial Love, Eternal Life, The Light of Consciousness, the I Am.
Whether we know Our Mother as Mary our Mother, full of Grace; as Consciousness Light; as Kuan Yin of immortal compassion — our soul’s rejoice in that Holy Mother Love is real. No matter what name we give to formless Origin Love — it lives us in immaculate Light: Our Mother.
Our Mother Real!
In peace, we turn within to the present Holy Mother, again and again. We may turn within until there is no trace of separation left to turn within. Then see how brilliantly Our Mother shines us now, in sweet innocence, in calm-lit peace and in heart leaping immediacy.
Our Holy Mother, Light of Awareness, nectar illuminous, washes our minds in waves of Light, until they turn to Light!
Our Mother Real, grants us vast stillness, spacious strength, and otherwordly wisdom. In snow white simplicity we rejoice: the Unitiva is real.
Our Holy Mother within, with fires of love vanishes censure and judgment. She evaporates all needs, solaces all sorrows. The Light dawns more clear now of our innocence.
Our Mother Real knows the real of us. She knows our eternality and holiness. She awakes us as our self, real.
Our Mother Real awakens us to the real self of all beings — and we see every one alight in Light, salvation and peace.
In Our Mother Real we see forgiveness as release from mistaken identities, illusory cinema scenes, and mirage-like conditions — none of real power in their effects.
In Our Mother, known within, we see the real Self. We know the Lord as our one Life. We live as blessed, kind streams of Holy Mother care, compassion and miracles.
We recognize all beings as born of Our Mother Real, in kindred wholeness, sacred celebration and the gift of eternal life.
In Holy Mother’s gaze, beliefs of separation from God have no substance, no true origin. All is well and shall be well for us, forever. This moment, all is well, as we look through the eyes of Love.
Our Mother Real calls us home to her Heart — the Heart ample enough for all of humanity, all beings of earth, all those you love —to rest deep in eternality’s ease of gemlit happiness.
Our Mother Real, our oneness with our Self Real.
copyright 2023 Ann Marie Nielsen, PhD, Ahavah