Welcome to this collection of sacred floral beauty, with inspiring contemplative titles.
Flowers reveal the exquisite and intricate beauty of creation. Each petal, each fragrance, speaks of heaven as earth, the celestial wedded to the tangible.
As original flowers of the Original God Presence, each individual being is a pristine, priceless emanation of the Essence-Presence of Eternal Beauty.
This Eternal Beauty as God Presence arises as Deific Love, as the Creator God giving Itself as Us, and we Give Ourselves as Love, as a universe of instantaneous paradise.
Seeing the beauty in nature, feeling the connection with flourishing Life, sparks remembrance of our Eternal Nature — endless aliveness as happiness, wonderment, and peace.
Before awakening to the full aliveness with/as God Presence, we all share a common existential pain —the grief of feeling separate from Love, from Creator, from our Original Opulence-Beauty Essence.
Everyone I have ever encountered to date, has at one time or another felt “not beautiful,” not significant as a being, as Presence.
Very few beings have experienced themselves as truly beautiful, beautiful, beautiful … within …as one with God Presence, a universe of limitless love and beauty in every instant … as the reality and ground of being.
Yet, in Beginning, in the Original peace void of the Original Night, from which the Mother God vessel originated us as Living Light —- we emerged-instanced as Deific Love, as the Light of Consciousness, as Mother Father God Presence, as Original Light….. as Eternal Beauty upon Beauty upon Beauty.
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