Stillness Presence: The Happiness of the Innermost Mother
Mothers Day: a day of serene love, kind joy, heart evocation and warm knowing.
Mothers Day: a cacophony of moments….moments of smiles and embraces, crystalline remembrances, and the beauty of rose-filled graces.
It is natural that we honor our mothers. It is wisdom that we affirm and extol the genuinely pure and openly transparent mothering of all of life.We offer simple recognition and strong support for that which mothers, protects, and nourishes all beings in compassion, clarity, and freedom. True mothering and true honoring of mothering elevates the sacred in our hearts, relationships and world.
Traditionally, we have mothers that we relate with or are, that represent outside-seeming mothers. Mothers Day evokes images of mother, mother figures, mother earth, Mother Mary, Divine Mother, Eternal Love, Immaculate Grace.
Yet, whether familiar mothers or spiritual mothers, we have learned to think of mother as outside. As with everything else in life, we were conditioned to look outside.
We were taught that mother is outside, love is outside, safety is outside, God is outside. Thus, we learned attachment and dependencies, separation and instability, suffering and fear.
All the while, all eternal treasures rest within— inside. Yet, inside means: one with. One with or One As, renders inside and outside as one.
In the new tradition, we, as spirit beings, are one with mother Love inside, one with God Presence inside, one with consciousness awareness inside, one with fulfillment, completion inside… Inside means one with.
The outside-seeming mothers, fathers, abundances, relationships—though they may reflect the inside love — they do not evoke unconditional stillness, in and of themselves.
The inside or innermost Mother, spirit Presence, ever evokes and is the Stillness.
In the unconditional inner Stillness, we offer unconditional recognition of our mothers, regardless of narratives or stories, or the so called past. For our outside-seeming mothers who were/are really there, truly there with care, nurturing, kindness, support, devotion, perseverance—we offer love, joy, appreciation, and honor. For our outside-seeming mothers who feel separate from love and who exhibit judgment, criticism, neglect, lack of protection, insensitivity—we offer compassion, forgiveness, love and grace—from within.
One with the innermost Mother, we are the Stillness and we set the tone of Stillness. In a world in need of Presence as Stillness, and Stillness meaning Love, this offers golden serving of all of life.
Our world systems, entrained to chaos, cry out now for the stability and integrity of Eternal Mother. Eternal Mother sets the harmonic tone in harmony, peace, and kind solidarity. Our human species, destablized from rapid change and lack of sacred regard, cries out now for the Sophia and Shekinah of Mother God awareness.
Sophia describes the bliblical or ancient teachings of wisdom, known in the ancient scriptures as chokmah. (Proverbs 3:19).
We rest in the sanctum of innermost Mother as the wisdom of direct knowing. Rather than swirling in eddies of fear or discord, we rest as Sophia Stillness, the wisdom of Stillness.
Shekinah refers to the glory of God, the feminine principle or aspect of the divine Presence. Shekinah often literally tranlates as: dwelling or in-dwelling of God. Shekinah: the shine of dwelling in God.
The Shekinah is known as the radiant Light of heaven, the direct intermediary of God and beings. Direct intermediary ultimately means the non-need of any mediator: you exist as one with and as God Presence now.
The innermost Mother, illumines in the pure Light of Shekinah Stillness.
The innermost Mother: Stillness.
Rather than entraining to chaos, live by and as the self-responsible, God-awake, spirit-illumined, Mother-hearted, Father-intelligenced innermost Stillness.
Presence, our Mother.
Stillness, our Mother.
The power of the unfathomable Mystery of supreme Love: awake as That.
Beyond a person, Mother is a way, a principle, a Presence. Innermost Mother, spirit Presence, evokes vast ineffable mystery and ordered calm. Former dependencies give way to impeccable self responsibility.
The Stillness is aliveness as Presence, awake Love knowing itself as Love.
Stillness…..the Innermost Mother.
Stillness devoid of distress. Stillness free of attachment, or aggression.
Stillness alive as the sweet nectar of unconditional peace.
Stillness awake as the honey manna of changeless happiness.
copyright 2019, Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen