The Presence Response
In the Instant of Pain:
That Reveals Happiness Is
The Presence Response
In the Instant of Pain
Moves beyond
The pitfall of postponement
Pain is not a problem
Pain is a postponement
Pain is a postponement
Of meeting the arising experience
This instant
No more postpone or hide pain
It’s spilling all over the landscape anyway
May as well be candid and real
This instant
Welcome to
The marquis of the current movie—
The neon sign that reads:
A species in pain
See the real marquis
Blazing here now:
Awake as Presence
This Instant
Awake as Presence
Respond as that
And reveal
Eternal happiness
As all
For all
This instant
The new movie marquis:
Happiness as All
Meet pain this instant
Awake as Presence
Eternal Love
Aware of every arising
In intimate welcoming
Intimate welcoming
Zero judgment
Pain is not a problem
Pain is a portico
To enter the Holy of Holies
Pain is not a failure
It is the sacred call
To realized intimacy
With the Supreme Creator
Pain is not a power
It is the Light Trigger
To remember
Only Home is Real
Home is Sensitive Aliveness
This instant
Pain is not an entity
It spurs awakeness
From all dreams
And then disappears
With the dream
We often think
Spiritual height
Depends upon what we do
In meditation and spiritual practice
Often, spiritual height
And plain caring decency
Often has more to do
With how we respond to pain
In this instant
Spiritual height
Really means realization
Of what already Is
Deific Love Is
Respond to pain
As a closed heart
Then, devolution happens
Respond to pain
As judgment upon judgment
Then, division upon division happens
Respond to pain
As resistance
Then, blindness happens
Respond to pain
As God Presence
Then, the enlightened way happens
Respond to pain
As Presence Awareness
Then, Oneness happens
Respond to pain
As openness to feel
To welcome every sensation
Open, free, vast
Then, Seeing happens
Seeing is the Freeing
As Eternal Love
As One
In the moment
Of felt existential pain
Uncontract conditions
Rest as Unconditonal Love
Embody the way
Of non-resistance
Drop back free
From mind comments
Let go of opinion and position
Have disinterest in every judgment
Forsake hardening
Go soft
Open the heart
Express compassion
Be the Grace
Awake as Presence
God intimately knowing Itself as You
Respond as Presence
To all pain
Without needing it to dissolve
Yet, feeling it wash away
Like a white foamed ocean wave
Mindlessly washes over
Writing on the sea shore
Erasing imprints on the sands of time
As if they did not even appear
Love Presence Is
Where pain appears
Uncontract the bud form of pain
And behold the tender infinity rose
Of You
As God’s beauty upon beauty
God’s cherish upon cherish
God’s beloved upon beloved
Copyright 2018, Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen