The Treasure Gaze of the Kingdom of Chrismas.
Traditionally, scripturally, and actually, the kingdom of heaven refers to the timeless royal realm
of eternal Presence.
Royal refers to the inherent exaltation and seamless beauty of Presence, the eternal treasure.
The Treasure Gaze is the knowing of the eternal Presence, knowing Itself.
In the stillness of knowing, awakes the remembrance of the Christed Light, the First Light,
the completion of the Kingdom of heaven, the advent of the Gaze of Christmas.
This already present Kingdom of Christmas, need not be sought, found, or added to.
Nothing acquired or stored up adds to it. Nothing takes away from it.
Abiding as the Kingdom of Christmas, within—no matter what movie film rolls out in the moving
scenes of life—illumines the seeing of the Treasure Gaze. Stillness as Presence:
the sharing-giving of the Treasure Gaze.
Seeing through the scenes, events, thoughts or interchanges of this world, to the always
present, here now, Christed realm, ushers the wellspring of giving.
The Christ indwelling in the heart, is the giving to the world.
“Store not up treasures on earth, store up treasures in heaven, for where your treasure is,
your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21). “The kingdom of heaven is within you.” (Luke 17:21).
“You are God, of all the kingdoms of the earth; you have made heaven and earth.”
(Isaiah 37:16). “The kingdom is within you and It is outside of you, ” The Gospel of Thomas.
The Christmas-Presence kingdom within and without is beyond all form, thought, sensation,
or event, yet reveals itself boundlessly present as the timeless advent.
We could see storing in the above passage, as relating to focus, or reliance. Rely not on treasures
on earth, here referring to the arena of time, space, limitation, or persons, which flickers as
changing, temporal, and elusive. Rest in the heart of the Christmas or Christened spirit,
everywhere, where everyone appears.
Store up, or rely upon, or inwardly-see the already-present eternal Presence.
This is not a doing, it is a remembrance of what already and always Is.
The gift of the Treasure Gaze goes far beyond that which is finite. The infinite love behind
or beyond any gift, makes-is the true gift. Right where gifts in time appear, the timeless gift is.
No matter what seems like a gift or not a gift, have no judgment on what is gift or not gift.
The Presence beyond the stored up temporal gift is the true Gift. The Treasure Gaze, Presence
knowing Itself, is the Treasure Gaze.
Already given….infinitely, eternally, universally.
The Treasure Gaze of the Kingdom of Christmas.
The Gaze beyond physical eyes or sight. The Gift beyond temporal storing up of thought or image.
The Treasure Gaze of the Kingdom of Christmas, Home.
copyright 2019 Dr. Ann Marie Nielsen