Vast Soft Peace
Formation Flickers as the Sheen of Eternal Love
When it is Emptied of the Belief it could be Anything Else
Know the body as Silence
the only body as Vast Soft Peace
Limitless Vast Soft Peace
Spontaneous creative eternity
True Love
Living Immortal Silence,
the Exact God Original Presence
The Primordial Consciousness,
the Eternal Light, alive as that still
Seeing through the sensory cinema
of the world
the world of the sensations
now no longer seen as objectified
Yet, Consciousness does not
take the shape of form…
formation flickers
as the sheen of Eternal Love
when it is emptied of the belief
it could be anything else
Vast Soft Peace
Consciousness Silence
Knowing Itself
as the Omnipresence Sheen
The “Here”
Of Every “There”