These Sacred Holy Songs, in exquisite, evocative, three octave vocal orchestration, engender inner rhythms of harmony, awareness, and peace. Ahavah’s singing and toning awakens the heart note, to feel eternal love and to experience the truest essence of the symphony of Light, Sound & Life called …You.
Ahavah spontaneously composed and sang these tenderly riveting songs, with no initial plan to professionally record or publicly share the words and music. Her musical compositions, wedded to her vocalization of the lead, background vocals, harmonies, and tap dance of the percussion — infuses heaven’s harmonies with grounded rich feminine earth experience.
The Essence coming through the voice holds light rhythms that spark the experience of liberation, and carries the Eternal Love that is our true forever joy.
Ahavah’s canticles nurture the full spectrum of aliveness in breathtaking rhythmic, illuminating, sweet, penetrating, evocative tones, harmonies, chorals and voice. The timeless breath of the poignant winds of celestial sound offer you the vibrant stillness of flourishing Presence Moment—cradling daily life experience in seamless peace — as heaven as earth.