Unmoving Bliss in the Midst of New Landscapes This Sunday morning In the placeless place beyond days and times I sat by the fireplace in the effusive warmth of dancing bronze...
Already Free: Beyond Becoming Free There is nothing to attain to become free There is no one to meet to become free There is nothing objective to avoid to become free...
Timeless Happiness: Infinite Love, Infinite Life Know infinite vast Love in gently letting the surface self die Gently, the small self dies into Love no need to make it die into...
November 11, 2018 The Placeless Place: No Distance to God, Love, or Realization The Placeless Place Freedom glory changeless Love now The Placeless Place holiness...
The Gentle One Power: Live the Peace of Inclusion The impermanence changes it has no true power it washes away like words etched in sand disappear in the ocean tide as if not having...
The Joy of the One Same Our true nature Is eternal Our true nature Is Presence Our true nature Is glory Our true nature Is oneness Our true nature Is endless trust-at-rest...
Hallelujah awake the song of joy everywhere No matter what the eyes seem to see or the ears seem to hear or the images seem to suggest Ever abide as the hallelujah Feel...
The Kingdom of Heaven: Your Treasure The Kingdom of Heaven Is Like a Treasure Hidden in a Field Which a man finds… And from joy sells all he has and buys that field...
We are heirs of God Romans 8:17 Anything named or unnamed of resource or fortune of vital life and wholeness of love and companionship of gentleness and grace of peace...