Love Endures: The World of Love, Beyond Fear “If you’ve opened your loving to God’s love, you’re helping people you don’t know and have never seen” Rumi “His...
Psalm 1: The Preciousness of the Principle that Reveals Flourish in Life Psalm 1:2-3 “His delight is in the law of the Lord And on his law He meditates day and night He shall...
Rest: Spirit Is, Life and Peace God Is Spirit Infinite Life The body is not objective Or physical, or finite In the way perceived Rest Belief is not objective Or an entity,...
The Master Proclaimed to the woman Who had been accused “I do not condemn thee…” (John 8:11) The Master Then explained: “I am the light of the world He that follows...
Who Am I? Who Are We? The answer to this question Cannot come from the mind Or the historical frame of reference The answer to this question Cannot be found in the external...
The Humility That Hears: Revealing God Presence in Life Humility Moves us beyond A feeling of kindness Or an action of mercy Which may be fruits of humility Yet, not its entirety...
Know God The Infinite Self The Real World Let all impressions Of the conceptual world Dissolve Like a language of letters Scribbled in the sand Washed by the kind tides...
Consciousness, The Pristine Self Beyond the Belief of the Not Good Self Supreme Creator The Pristine Self The Light of Consciousness Happening as You Feel the Pristine...
The Relationship of Oneness: Reconciliation Lived and Shared The Latin word relationem Or relatio Means: a bringing back Or restoring One biblical meaning ...
Original Presence, The Beauty of Fulfilled Life The Presence Of Supreme Creator Is the Original Presence of You Created as a universe of beauty A universe of fulfilled...